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Project: Fluid Dynamics Simulation with GPU Acceleration

Overview: This project is a fluid dynamics simulation using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), optimized with GPU acceleration for real-time performance. It aims to model and visualize realistic fluid behavior for use in advanced graphics and physics-based applications.

Key Features:

  1. SPH Simulation:
    1. Implements SPH for accurate fluid particle interactions.
    2. Calculates density, pressure, and forces among particles.
    3. Handles particle collisions and boundary constraints.
    4. Uses Morton order (Z-order curve) for efficient neighbor searches and particle updates.
  2. GPU Acceleration:
    1. Utilizes OpenGL Shader Storage Buffer Objects (SSBOs) for particle data management.
    2. Employs parallel computing with GLSL compute shaders for efficient particle updates.
    3. Integrates a parallel sort algorithm to manage particle grids.
  3. Marching Cubes Algorithm:
    1. Applies the Marching Cubes algorithm for surface reconstruction.
    2. Dynamically generates isosurfaces from particle data.
    3. Utilizes GPU shaders to enhance performance of surface generation.
  4. Visualization:
    1. Real-time rendering of generated surfaces.
    2. Provides debugging and visualization tools for particle positions and interactions.
    3. Draws boundary edges and handles dynamic changes in the simulation environment.

Technical Details:

  • Programming Languages: C++, GLSL
  • Libraries and Tools: OpenGL, Compute Shaders, Marching Cubes
  • Key Algorithms: SPH for fluid simulation, GPU-based parallel sorting, Marching Cubes for surface generation

This project demonstrates advanced fluid simulation techniques, leveraging GPU capabilities to achieve high performance and realistic visualizations.

GitHub:- Project Link

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