A downloadable game

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Multi-level game using C++, incorporating various physics game concepts. 

Features including: 

  • a character controller
  • collision detection (AABB, sphere, OBB, ray, etc.)
  • bonus/score points
  • collectibles 
  • reverse timer
  • player health
  • physics constraint
  • maze, AI (dumb and smart)
  • state machines
  • behavior trees
  • voxelized elements
  • Incorporated A* pathfinding algorithm
  • ray-casting
  • application of forces
  • torque for movement
  • triggers(on trigger events, on collision events)
  • Spatial acceleration structures such as Quad tree for optimization purposes and also used a static tree that holds holds static elements and doesn't need to be created every frame
  • Various Optimizations features:
    •  static and dynamic objects
    • Broad phase calculations
    • Voxel Optimizations.


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CSC8503 2023_ishant.zip 64 MB

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